

started writing this on the 23.11.2023.

The October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel and the following ploughing of Gaza by Israel have been the inevitable global headlines over the months. A lot of psyops from both sides have takes the Western world by fervor and fanaticism to both be on the side of the Israeli's and to further the Islamophobic fetish in vogue for over two decades now.

While the horrors of the October 7th attacks cannot be watered down, Israel's heavy-handed reaction by killing as many as 27,000 Palestinians, a majority of them women and children will not end in the total “elimination” of the Hamas but propel into future cycles of violence that will make look the current Hamas attack look like a pre-school Christmas party. Palestine is a young territory with a majority of the inhabitants unware of the historical connotations to their problem, instead for most their lives they only know the Israeli's as the aggressors who have shackled them without rights, water or freedom of movement, a state of siege that triggers emotional violent reactions than the measure ones of diplomacy that would commit to a peaceful solution to problem that has been in a gridlock for over a century.

The Western powers who carry the ghosts of World War II with them have unilaterally sided with Israel while glossing over the human rights violations happening in Gaza. Their narrative also fits well with the post 9-11 Islamophobia, with far-right anti.Muslim rhetoric gaining mainstream momentum in most parts of the mainland Europe and Asia. Take the case of Germany, which through its past horrors of the Holocaust is bound to respect the sanctity of Israel, but they take the devotion to far off that they actually forget the application of their rememberance culture, with “Never Again” being applied to the aftermath of the Holocaust and Holocaust alone, unaware that it was also responsible for the genocide of the Herero and Nama people in Namibia in the early part of the 20th century which it acknowledged only in 2015. But it's national discourse is heavily influenced by the Holocaust and that its only responsibility is towards the Jews (as it should rightfully should) but the learning from the Holocaust is that can happen to any group – Palestinians included.


More than 40,000 Palestinian people dead, the entire Gaza Strip razed to rubble, Jewish settler violence legitimized in the West Bank and a pro-Israeli bias in the Western democracies that don't seem to tone down. Israel gets more American supplies of weapons and aid as the Gazans who've been starved, left to disease and die don't have a voice or representation anywhere in the world.

Israel, locked in an never-ending conflict wants to expand the fangs of war to neighboring Lebanon and Iran but the shooting only empty bullets for now. Looking at the map of the world there it looks obvious that America's strategic interest over Israeli supremacy is tied to its geopolitical location, within the Arab world as a non-Arab state and giving America a control over the valuable oil if it ever get more hungry.

The Israeli project against the Palestinians is an age old colonialist enterprise and though one thinks colonialism was a thing of the past century, it's interested to see it play out in the TikTok age where the violence and arrogance of power play out in the full face of the world. For now, the situation is in a gridlock and as some commentators pointed out, the only solution Israel has for the Palestinian apartheid is ethnical cleansing, which it's doing in full earnestness as we speak. But this circle of violence cannot go on forever, and what it takes is leaders who can build bridges and start anew but that's not happening anytime soon.

#Israel #Gaza #war